Thursday 8 April 2010

The Blue Mountains

Went to the Blue Mountains for three days. Did some walking so Geddes will be proud and saw some absolutley amazing scenery. So come with me as we journey through the mountains :).........

From the top of a big hill in Lithgow (a place just before the Blue Mountains)

Then we arrive in the Mountains. We were staying just 2 minutes from the 'main attraction', the Three Sisters. As you can see.

Day 2 and I went for my big 5 hour walk, god knows how far it was but I was quite tired by the end of it. First you take a walk to the Three Sisters.

Then it was view after view and waterfall after waterfall.

At the halfway point there is an optioanl railway that can take you up to the top. Its the stepest railway in the world!!!!! I didnt take it and chose to walk up the side of the mountain instead.

Here are some more views and waterfalls and the elastic band I left to find again when Hannah gets here.

The rare Lyre bird that was doing its mating dance. Amazing!

Then I hopped over the barrier to stand on the waterfall. Felt like Bear Grylls!!!

Day 3 and the mist comes down. Pretty impressive actually

The next major site was the Leura Falls

Govetts Leap. The Fall and standing on top of the Fall.

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